Tuesday 18 December 2012


There's a thirst in every man and it's only God that can satisfy that thirst. Our level of thirst also differs. e.g some people can guzzle drinks at a fast rate while others take their time. There are different kinds of thirst. Some thirst for love, money, companionship, power, and the list goes on. We all are thirsty for something.
    When God created Man and breathed into him, something left Him(God). Something important and tangible. Ask yourself this. Why did God create Man when He had angels, the hosts of heaven, the 24 elders, etc. Even David said, ''What is Man that thou hath mindful of him and the Son of Man that thou visiteth him?''  Have you ever asked yourself what it is about you that God sees? What's so special about you? Apostle Paul made us realise what's in us. We are treasures in earthly vessels. Glory! There's a treasure in you!
    God and the devil are wooing you. Who will you choose? Don't let the devil preach to you about your weakness. Rom 8:29 says that God loved you before you came to this world. When you find yourself in a position that you aren't supposed to be, dust yourself up! Don't remain there. You have the audacity to shut the devil up. Oh yeah! You know why? Because God has given you every authority. And the devil is doomed already!
  That thirst you have? don't substitute it for anything in the world. Jesus said, ''come unto me all ye that are thirsty and drink.'' He didn't say come and fascinate or stare. He says come and drink and infact be drunk. Take for example the woman at the well in Samaria. We all know the story. Jesus made her satisfied and even made her a blessing to others.
    People have turned Christianity into a religion. But it's about having a personal relationship with Jehovah. Christianity is a way of life and don't you ever forget it. Hallelujah! Religion isn't a substitute for this water we thirst for. God's love for us is unfathomable. Now that you know Him, come unto Him and drink. And if you don't know Him, get to know Him today. Come to His saving grace and knowledge. In the next article, I'll be talking more about this. Please leave your comments and if you've got any questions, feel free to ask. God bless you.