Saturday 8 July 2017



Goodness! It's been over a year since I put up a post. I checked my page stats and saw lots of views from previous posts. I can only but say thank you for reading. I love to write but so much has been happening and writing had to take a back seat, but I'm back and better so help me God. Lol! Today's topic is about that very famous word we all know - Patience.

What is Patience? My dictionary defines it as good-natured tolerance of delay or incompetence.
What is Virtue? It is defined as any admirable quality or attribute.
So, when you say patience is a virtue, you're simply saying that good-natured tolerance of delay or incompetence is an admirable quality or attribute. With that being said, the question really is, "Is Patience really a virtue?"

The popular proverb, "a patient dog eats the fattest bone" has been heavily criticized and tagged "rubbish" by naysayers. According to them, it should be, "a patient dog eats no bone", while some even went as far as saying, "...and would die of hunger."

I've pondered on these statements. The spiritual and physical parts of me argues over this issue too. The spiritual part of me tells me that the Bible says to be patient and cite examples like Abraham, Joseph, Moses and Job, but the same Bible also tells me that the kingdom of God suffereth violence and the violent taketh it by force. That sounds like impatience to me! Or is it that they were patient before, then got tired and decided to do something about it, which got them a reward - the kingdom?

The physical part of me who dwells in this world tells me to adhere to the "no time to waste time" adage that's on everyone's lips like a watchword. Simply put, do what you have to do and be fast about it, or regret slacking. Other times, it says you're not these people; their strengths/weaknesses are totally different from yours; be you! You are better than that! (Pride and self-worth talking, maybe).

All these and more leads me to questions that I've heard so many people ask, myself including:
* How long should I be patient? (If there's a measure)
* How do I know I've been patient enough?
* Should I even be patient at all?

It's a very sensitive but important topic - patience, and many of us can relate simply because it shows up in virtually every area of our lives. I'll mention a few that's popular:

Should you have sexual relations with that man/woman who's promised you a job or keep combing the streets, submitting CVs like you've been doing for a long time?

Should you keep ignoring the maltreatment meted out to you and your siblings by your dad and praying to God for better days or lose it, get confrontational and or physical with him, and bear the consequences?

Should you continue to serve under your master till he/she frees you, or leave early to start out on your own?

Should you finish that education your parents suffered so much to pay for or drop out of school to pursue that burning passion/skill you believe in so badly?

Should you wait patiently on God to give you your own spouse, irrespective of the time/age He does so, or marry the next available person because of family/societal pressure and because you want to start a family early?

In conclusion, I believe indeed that patience is a virtue, and that every situation in itself is unique. Applying wisdom is also an integral part of life; what works for me may not work for you so one has gotta be careful. There have been times that I was patient and it paid off, other times it didn't. Wisdom is profitable to direct, but most importantly, seek God's face regarding any issue and He'll be sure to guide you.

I'd love to read your thoughts on this post and feel free to share with your friends. Also, kindly subscribe to my blog so you get updates about new posts. Thank you.

God is love.